Services Overview

Some organisations (and people) are clandestine about their pricing. Not us. If you don't have the budget, that's okay. There are hundreds of others who can meet your budget - some for free. But we are not that organisation. Our ethos is to be transparent and lead by example when it comes to our investments (fees) without apology.

Foremost, ThisAbility® Limited own all rights and IP to all work. At no point is there to be any recording of any work nor any downloading, copying or distribution of any deliverables, whether in-person, hybrid, or virtually. If a recording is required, then a licensing agreement can be discussed, but in further full transparency, this will require an additional investment.

Also, for greater full transparency, our payment terms are as follows: 50% payment upon confirmation of any work, with the balance to be paid 7 days before we deliver any work. 

And we have the ability to flex and be flexible around our payment terms that will apply differently to different businesses. This flexibility is dependent on the size of the organisation, the demographic of the organisation, the values of the organisation, and composition of the organisation, et cetera. 

To be clear for current and future potential partners and accomplices, we will always (re)centre love with (not for) minoritised and marginalised businesses, especially businesses ed and owned by those who sit at the intersection of multiple systems of oppression. For example, we have different payment terms for small Black-owned or Disability-led businesses than for large multi-national corporations. Regardless, every organisation will have our full transparency, communication, and love.

Our payment terms are in line with our access needs as the owners of a Disability and Person of the Global Majority-owned Disability Justice business.

Additionally, here is what to expect when working with Sulaiman.

“We are not afraid to adopt a revolutionary stance — if, indeed, we wish to be radical in our quest for change — then we must get to the root of our oppression. After all, radical simply means ‘grasping things at the root.’”

– Angela Y. Davis.

Below are details about our services and respective investment for each service:

Cheat Sheet on Disability:

To get your free cheat sheet on Disability. Sign up here.

“Brain Picker” Calls:

One hour at £498 VAT inclusive. These Private Coaching or “Brain Picker” Calls are with our Founder and Chief Radical Officer, Sulaiman. They are limited in availability each month so once they are gone, they’re gone. And these calls are specifically designed for professionals and small businesses who want to “pick his brain” or want to experience the "Sulaiman Sunshine Sensation” to daringly integrate Disability, but can’t invest in our full consulting yet. You can book and pay here. Upon booking, you agree if you cancel or reschedule with less than three working-days notice then no refund is available. So, you must rebook and pay again.


From £5,000 plus VAT for anything up to an hour, excluding expenses. We don’t do panels; each talk is bespoke with care and curiosity for each client. Whether it's a keynote, a seminar or a fireside chat, it's still the same fee. Whether it's live or virtual, it's still the same. This includes our access fee to ensure full accessibility needs, which differentiates us from others because we truly care about our work. The only people who don't pay this are the selected charities and social enterprises we love and choose to work for a reduced investment. We speak on sustainability, technology, design, Disability, and creativity. It's the same investment for Disability History Month, International Men's Day, Pride Month, business weeks, justice and liberation conferences, off-site visits, in-house events or virtual summits.


Premier consulting; like our speaking services, our consulting services are bespoke with care and curiosity for each client, and the investment will be advised accordingly. For socially conscious brands who are ready to make the full investment to go from ableism to Disability Liberation and integrate Disability Culture to (along with anti-racist) become a fully anti-ableist organisation. Charged at a premium. Below is our process for how we work with all of our clients.  

Wheel 1 – IMAGINE: In a safe and brave space with no shade and judgment, imagine what is possible without filters or restrictions. We’ll take a look and see where you are about Disability and anti-ableism.

Wheel 2 – INVESTIGATE: Doing the research into solutions to become an anti-ableist organisation. We love a good audit! The next wheel helps all know where you are, your current Disability perceptions in your culture, and, most importantly, why things are how they are when it comes to Disability.

Wheel 3 – IDEATE: Creating solutions and applying the solutions to become an anti-ableist organisation. Once we’ve conducted the audit, we’ll develop a custom work plan to embed accessibility, do deep work on anti-ableism and anti-racism, understand genuine intersectionality, dismantle White Supremacy Culture, and financially invest in the Disabled Community rooted in Disability Justice.

Wheel 4 – IGNITE: Amplify the solutions to have the most impact, as well as refine and improve these solutions for continual progress to become an anti-ableist organisation. Following ethical co-creation, it will be time to develop the actions, refine them, and share actions with the universe.

Wheel 5 – INTERPRET: Progression over perfection. We will discuss how we will evaluate the implementation and your subsequent relevant outputs, ensuring that it drives you to become an anti-ableist organisation. There is no one way of measuring success or evaluating effectiveness. We will facilitate critical thinking on how to identify progress and build impact measures to track and evaluate over time. Disability Liberation will be our North Star.

*From imagine to interpret, this is our circular way of working with all our clients to solve their critical need to become an anti-ableist organisation.

Taking the lead from Sulaiman, we’re wheeling away with zero tolerance to all systems of oppression. Sulaiman has never been able to walk and doesn’t want to ever walk, so as a power wheelchair user, “wheeling away” is his cheeky take on “walking away.” As Sulaiman says: [Open Quote] “Standing and walking are SO overrated! Xx” [Close Quote]

He no longer tolerates being capitalism’s plaything, ableism’s commodity, racism’s tool for power, colonialism’s puppet for violence, white supremacy culture’s fetish for manipulation, cis-able heteronormative patriarchy’s armour for bullying, and oppression’s pawn for harm. His ancestors and descendants demand and deserve better from him and for him.